11 gennaio - A boosting approach to lean the dependence structure of the data - Michela Battauz (Università di Udine)
18 gennaio - Global variable selection for quantile regression - Eduardo Horta (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
1 febbraio - Outlier detection for mixed-type data: A novel approach - Efthymios Costa (Imperial College London)
8 febbraio - Specifying spatial effects in panel data: Robust vs. conditional tests - Giovanni Millo (Università di Trieste)
15 febbraio - Marginal and Conditional Multiple Inference for Linear Mixed Model Predictors - Stefan Sperlich (Université de Genève)
22 febbraio - What is Big in BigData: a sampling statistician perspective - Fulvia Mecatti (Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca)
7 marzo - Some advances on likelihood-based inference arising from the Peaks Over Threshold method - Simone Padoan (Università Bocconi)
14 marzo - The Formation of Subjective House Price Expectations - Melanie Luhrmann (Royal Holloway, University of London )
4 aprile -The Machine Learning Control Method for Counterfactual Forecasting - Augusto Cerqua (Sapienza)
18 aprile - Recent results of extremal features on GARCH models - Fabrizio Laurini (Università di Parma)
2 maggio - TBD - Samantha Leorato (Università Statale di Milano)
16 maggio - La transizione dalle scuole superiori all'università: Esplorando l'interazione di territorio, fattori socioeconomici e genere - Andrea Priulla (Università di Palermo)
23 maggio - Menu Labeling and Restaurant Purchases - David E. Frisvold (University of Iowa)
30 maggio - A modularized Bayesian factor analysis model for policy evaluation - Pantelis Samartsidis (Univerity of Cambridge)
6 giugno - Labor mobility in times of turmoil: A comparative analysis of the effects of different economic crises on displaced workers - Guido Pellegrini (Università La Sapienza)
13 giugno - Digital Linguistic Biomarkers: passato, presente e sfide future - Gloria Gagliardi (Università di Bologna)
18 settembre - Seminari dottorandi 37esimo ciclo: d'Angella, Dallari, Pacifici, Ferrari
19 settembre - Seminari dottorandi 37esimo ciclo: Omenti, Perçin, Tezza
26 settembre - Sequential designs and decision-making for trials with both clinical and economic endpoints: Findings from three UK-based non-commercial clinical trials - Charlie Welch (University of York)
2 ottobre - Seminari dottorandi 38esimo ciclo - Samuele Garelli - “Bayesian inference without a prior” - Giorgio Bongermino - "ESG Rating : Addressing Ambiguity in Portfolio and Company Assessments" - Vinod Joseph Kannankeril Joseph - "Essays on Climate Change and Demographic Behavior." - Leonardo Marconi - "On some stochastic hyperbolic equations with symplectic characteristics"
3 ottobre - Seminari dottorandi 38esimo ciclo - Matteo Mori - “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Life Science: Applications in Pharmacovigilance and Accelerometer data” - Huu Thuan Pham - "Bayesian Structure Learning of Undirected Graphical Models from Count Data" - Viviana Schisa - “Statistical Modeling Investigating the Impact of Environmental Factors on Respiratory Medical Needs”. - Marco Vitelli - "The Generalized Beta Local Volatility Model"
17 ottobre - Optimal Approximate Choice Designs for a Two-step Coffee Choice, Taste and Choice Again Experiment - Nedka Dechkova Nikiforova (Università di Firenze)
24 ottobre - Statistica discussion meeting on "Connecting model-based and model-free approaches to linear squares regression - Lutz Duembgen (University of Bern) & Laurie Davies (Universitat Duisburg-Essen)
7 novembre - Labor mobility in times of turmoil: A comparative analysis of the effects of different economic crises on displaced workers - Guido Pellegrini (Sapienza)
14 novembre - Bayesian covariate-informed clustering of high-dimensional data with variable selection in the Mallows rank model - Valeria Vitelli (Department of Biostatistics, University of Oslo, Norway)
20 novembre - Seminari dottorandi 37esimo ciclo: Bacchi, Bartolini, Macedoni
21 novembre - Applications of network theory to financial stability analysis: an interdisciplinary approach - Angelos Vouldis. (European Central Bank)
5 dicembre - The Role of External Food Environments in Shaping Diets in Thailand and Lao PDR - Giacomo Zanello (University of Reading)
12 dicembre - Some steps forward towards understanding generalised linear mixed models - Luca Maestrini (College of Business and Economics, The Australian National University)