Post-selection inference in multiverse analysis
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Anna Vesely (Università di Bologna)
Adaptive partition Factor Analysis
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Antonio Canale (University of Padua)
Eventi conclusi
Some steps forward towards understanding generalised linear mixed models
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Referente: Luca Maestrini (College of Business and Economics, The Australian National University)
Atmospheric Pollution and Child Health in Historic London, 1887-1914
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Eric Schneider (London School of Economics and Political Science Centre for Economic Politicy Research)
The Role of External Food Environments in Shaping Diets in Thailand and Lao PDR
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Giacomo Zanello (University of Reading)
Automatic transcription of historical records at scale and modelling of the French population at the parish level for 1786
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Alexis Litvine (University of Cambridge) The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure (CAMPOP)
Applications of network theory to financial stability analysis: an interdisciplinary approach
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Angelos Vouldis. (European Central Bank)
Seminari dottorandi 37esimo ciclo - 3
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Ciclo di seminari nell’ambito delle attività di dottorato
Bayesian covariate-informed clustering of high-dimensional data with variable selection in the Mallows rank model
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatrice: Valeria Vitelli (Department of Biostatistics, University of Oslo, Norway)
ANNULLATO - Women's Education and Fertility in Italy at the Onset of the Demographic Transition
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Marciante Gianni (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna)
Presentazioni e incontri
Ricordando Elisa Maietti
Aula I - Via Belle Arti, 41
8 novembre ore 16.30
Labor mobility in times of turmoil: A comparative analysis of the effects of different economic crises on displaced workers
Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41
Relatore: Guido Pellegrini (Sapienza)