
Eventi conclusi

30 ott 2024


Convegno online: Sfide Attuali e Prospettive Future dell'Uso e della Gestione del Suolo in Italia


Europe-Land,Horizon Europe Project

18 mar 2024 19 mar 2024


From Linguistic Innovation to Cultural Transformation: Unpacking the Implications of ICOM's New Museum Definition in Italy and France

Sala Manfredi - Accademia delle Scienze (Via Zamboni, 31, 40126 Bologna BO)

The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna, thanks to the Cassini Senior 2023 grant, hosts a multidisciplinary conference on the impacts of the new ICOM's museum definition

4 dic 2023


Chi pagherà le pensioni di domani? Invecchiamento, lavoro e migrazioni

Aula magna Roberto Rufilli, Palazzo Hercolani Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna

23 ott 2023 24 ott 2023


International Conference The Inequality of Uncertainty

Aula Prodi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 Bologna

The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna organizes an international conference on the heterogeneity of the effects of uncertainty on family dynamics in developed countries.

6 set 2023 8 set 2023


ASA Conference on Statistics, Technology and Data Science for Economic and Social Development

Aule Belmeloro, Via Nino Andreatta, 8 40126 Bologna

The conference aims to promote new statistical methods and applications to support the social and economic development in companies and public administrations.

13 giu 2023


Discovering subpopulations using innovative curve clustering

Istituto di Studi Avanzati, Sala Rossa (Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna) / Diretta online su Teams

6 apr 2020 7 apr 2020


EphaStat Project final part. 1 - Due to the coronavirus emergency the meeting has been cancelled

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati" - Università degli Studi di Bologna - Via delle Belle Arti n. 41

Workshop finale del progetto PRIN - EphaStat, Environmental processes and human activities: capturing their interactions via statistical methods.

13 feb 2020


International migration data: Advances and challenges

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche - Via delle Belle Arti 41