Prof. Jorge P. Zubelli, dell'Università di Rio de Janeiro
Local volatility models are extensively used and well-recognized for hedging and pricing in financial markets. They are frequently used, for instance, in the evaluation of exotic options so as to avoid arbitrage opportunities with respect to other instruments. Derivatives for commodities are extensively traded instruments in financial markets, especially in energy and oil ones. They are particularly challenging since the spot prices are not directly observable, thus requiring a further modeling effort. The ill-posed character of local volatility surface calibration from market prices requires the use of regularization techniques either implicitly or explicitly. Such regularization techniques have been widely studied for a while and are still a topic of intense research. We have employed convex regularization tools and recent inverse problem advances to deal with the local volatility calibration problem. In this talk we shall describe ongoing work on the use local volatility models in the context of commodity markets, in particular applied to energy and oil ones. This work is part of ongoing collaboration with V. Albani (Vienna), U. Ascher (Toronto), and Xu Yang (IMPA).
Organizzatore: Umberto Cherubini