The time-value of carbon flows

Relatore: Andrea Macrina (University College London)

  • Data: 12 marzo 2025 dalle 14:00 alle 15:00

  • Luogo: Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41

If the leading principle is that reducing carbon emissions today is more valuable than reducing emissions tomorrow, how should financial carbon discounting work? Starting from carbon budgets that limit global warming to under a specified level with a given probability, a carbon discount bond system is developed that depends on the stochastic carbon emissions and an associated emissions abatement plan. We show that the sooner and more capital is invested to reduce carbon emissions, the better. The proposed financial design and pricing approach also considers the notion of a carbon budget debt and its financial treatment in a tiered carbon discounting system. Hedge portfolios and carbon budget derivatives emerge that mitigate financial losses if emissions exceed a planned/mandated carbon budget. Initial observations point to a multicurve term structure underlying the constructed carbon discount bond system that is linked to the carbon budgets and emissions abatement urgency.

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Silvia Romagnoli