The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value model: discussion and implications for demand analysis

Relatore: Beatrice Biondi (Università di Bologna)

  • Data: 26 ottobre 2023 dalle 16:00 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41

The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV; Bhat, 2005) model is a utility theory-based model that is adopted in the case of multiple discreteness. Food demand for home consumption is characterized by the choice of multiple alternatives simultaneously (the consumer basket) and could therefore be modelled through the MDCEV model. Nevertheless, MDCEV applications to the estimation of food demand are scarce, this field being dominated by the adoption of continuous demand systems (e.g. AIDS and EASI). The main features of discrete and continuous demand models are presented in this seminar, discussing advantages and shortcomings of the two approaches. Applications of the MDCEV model to food demand modelling based on household scanner data are also presented as case study. Lastly, implications for impact evaluation and simulation of food policies are outlined.

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Mario Mazzocchi