Statistics of extremes: The challenge of more data

Luca Trapin - Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche

  • Data: 11 giugno 2020 dalle 14:00 alle 16:00

  • Luogo: Modalità telematica, mediante sistema di videoconferenza su piattaforma Microsoft Teams


The statistical analysis of extreme data is important for various disciplines, including hydrology, insurance, finance, engineering and environmental sciences. Over the last decade, improvements of
storage capacity and computational power have allowed the creation of large datasets recording observations at ultra-high frequencies. This abundance of information offers new opportunities to
study the behavior of extremes, but it also proposes new challenges for statisticians. After reviewing the main results from extreme value theory, the talks will present some recent advances in the
statistical modeling of univariate extremes.


Mario Mazzocchi