Seminario didattico: Statistics 4.0: Official Statistics in the Era etc.

  • Data: 27 febbraio 2018

  • Luogo: Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche - Via Belle Arti 41 - Aula III

Walter Radermacher
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
President FENStatS

In recent years, the quantity of digital data created, stored and processed in the world has grown exponentially. The demand for statistical information has never been so apparent. In order for official statistics to continue to function as a universal language for all kinds of societal interactions and decision-making, it is essential that the product ‘information’ is fit for purpose. Quality of statistics needs to be seen with a much wider scope, going beyond the side of production, including the use side and analysing scientifically how these two sides are interacting in a dynamic relationship. The main challenges are to position official statistics on the information market and to establish a fruitful cooperation with new partners, in particular from data sciences, which offers opportunities for the use of new ‘Big Data’ sources. At the same time, the impacts of globalisation and global crises call into question the traditional paradigms of nationally designed and organised statistics. Under these conditions, the successful alignment and positioning of official statistics of the future cannot be a simple continuation of the modernisation successes of the past 25 years. Rather, it takes an evolutionary leap to ‘Official Statistics 4.0’.

Daniela Cocchi
Cinzia Viroli