Seminario didattico: Non-parametric micro Statistical Matching techniques etc.

  • Data: 16 ottobre 2017 dalle 14:00 alle 16:00

  • Luogo: Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche - v.le Berti Pichat - Aula VII

Riccardo D’Alberto

Non-parametric micro Statistical Matching imputation techniques, or the so-called “hot deck” methods, are commonly used to integrate data and overcome several issues, first of all, elementary data shortage.

These methods received an increasing attention in the last decade due to their flexible use and the computational advantages w.r.t. the parametric ones, but also because of the possibility they offer to avoid model misspecification bias. Further developments and theoretical advances concern new combinations of the existing techniques and not-default distance functions, the imputation goodness validation assessment, the study of the commonly accepted and applied “hot deck practical prescriptions”, etc.

This seminar will provide insights on non-parametric micro Statistical Matching, discussing the above-mentioned issues and methodological challenges. It will also cover an application example related to farm data, based on the integration of different farm data sources (both official statistics and a project survey).

Daniela Cocchi