Menu Labeling and Restaurant Purchases

Relatore: David E. Frisvold (University of Iowa)

  • Data: 23 maggio 2024 dalle 16:00 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Aula III - Via Belle Arti, 41

The consequences of obesity and a poor diet include both adverse health effects and high medical costs. An important factor in the rising prevalence of obesity is increased daily caloric intake and increased meal consumption outside of the home, including meals at restaurants. Due to the relationship of eating outside of the home with obesity and the difficulty of consumers in accurately determining the nutritional content of menu items, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) required chain restaurants with 20 or more locations in the U.S. to post calorie information on menus as of May 7, 2018. This paper examines the impact of this menu-labeling requirement on the frequency of dining at chain restaurants and the number of calories and nutritional content of foods purchased by consumers in fast-food restaurants.

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Mario Mazzocchi