Vesely A., Andreella A., How active is a genetic pathway? Comparative analysis of post-hoc permutation-based methods, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2023, 2023, pp. 1268 - 1273 (atti di: SIS 2023 - Statistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation, Ancona, Italy, June 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mazzocchi M.; Biondi B., Priceless behaviours: Behavioural implications, unintended consequences and spillover effects of pricing policies, in: Research Handbook on Nudges and Society, Cheltenam, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp. 209 - 225 [Chapter or essay]
Leonardo Scarso; Marco Novelli; Francesco Saverio Violante, Tracking attitudes towards COVID vaccines: A text mining analysis, in: Book of short Papers SIS 2023, 2023, pp. 387 - 392 (atti di: SIS 2023 - Statistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation, Ancona, 21-23/06/2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Leonardo Scarso; Marco Novelli; Francesco Saverio Violante, Scientific abstracts analysis to uncover Ukrainian-Russian war insights: A text mining-based approach, in: Book of short Papers ASA 2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Statistics, Technology and Data Science for Economic and Social Development ASA 2023, Bologna, 6-8/9/2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Minardi, Saverio; Hornberg, Carla; Barbieri, Paolo; Solga, Heike, The link between computer use and job satisfaction: The mediating role of job tasks and task discretion, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS», 2023, 61, pp. 796 - 831 [Scientific article] Open Access
L. Bungaro, R. Desiderati, S. Mignani, Modelling Responses and Response Times: an application to Mathematics INVALSI data, in: IES2023-Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality: Techniques, Technologies and Trends (T3). Book of Short Papers, Chieti (CH), IlViandante, 2023, pp. 368 - 373 (atti di: IES2023-Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality: Techniques, Technologies and Trends (T3), Pescara, 30/08/2023 - 01/09/2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Samuele Bovo,Giuseppina Schiavo, Flaminia Fanelli, Anisa Ribani, Francesca Bertolini, Maurizio Gallo, Giuliano Galimberti, Stefania Dall'olio, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Uberto Pagatto, Luca Fontanesi, Whole metabolome and genome analyses provide information on the genetic variability affecting the metabolism in pigs, in: ASPA 25th Congress Book of Abstract, 2023, pp. 25 - 26 (atti di: The 25th congress of the Animal Science and Production Association, Monopoli, June 13-16, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Bovo, G. Schiavo, F. Fanelli, A. Ribani, F. Bertolini, M. Gallo, G. Galimberti, Stefania Dall’Olio, PL. Martelli, R. Casadio, U. Pagotto, L. Fontanesi, Combined targeted and untargeted metabolomics in pigs coupled with genomic information: Towards a comprehensive genetic characterization of the pig metabolome, in: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Cape Town, South Africa (2023), 2023, pp. 15 - 16 (atti di: 39th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-7 July 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Andrea Guizzardi; Michele Costa, Mapping the Tourism Industry: Insights and Implications, «TURISTICA», 2023, 32, pp. 61 - 78 [Scientific article] Open Access
Vowels, L. M., Comolli, C. L., Bernardi, L., Chaco´n-Mendoza, D., Darwiche, J., [Union dissolution and children outcomes.] Systematic Review of Post-Separation Living Arrangements and Children’s Outcomes, «PLOS ONE», 2023, 18, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access
Comolli C.L., Social Climate, Uncertainty and Fertility Intentions: from the Great Recession to the Covid-19 Crisis, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POPULATION», 2023, 39, pp. 1 - 57 [Scientific article] Open Access
Redivo Edoardo; Viroli Cinzia, Introducing a novel directional distribution depth function for supervised classification, in: SEAS IN Book of the Short Papers 2023, 2023, pp. 945 - 949 (atti di: SIS 2023, Ancona, 21-23 giugno) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Redivo E; Viroli C, A supervised classification strategy based on the novel directional distribution depth function, in: Book of Abstracts and Short Papers, 2023, pp. 617 - 620 (atti di: 14th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Cladag 2023, Salerno, 11-13 Settembre) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Merlini, Luciano; Sabatelli, Patrizia; Gualandi, Francesca; Redivo, Edoardo; Di Martino, Alberto; Faldini, Cesare, New Clinical and Immunofluorescence Data of Collagen VI-Related Myopathy: A Single Center Cohort of 69 Patients, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2023, 24, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article] Open Access
Perrone Gabriele; Soffritti Gabriele, Mixtures of linear regression models: An application to housing tension in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, in: Programme and abstracts, 2023, pp. 16 - 17 (atti di: 25th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2023), Birkbeck, University of London, UK, 22-25 August 2023) [Abstract]
Lorenzo Mori; Maria Rosaria Ferrante, On the gap between emitted and absorbed carbon dioxide. Are trees enough to save us?, in: Book of the Short Papers, London, PEARSON, 2023, pp. 801 - 805 [Chapter or essay]
Zeleke A.J.; Palumbo P.; Tubertini P.; Miglio R.; Chiari L., Machine learning-based prediction of hospital prolonged length of stay admission at emergency department: a Gradient Boosting algorithm analysis, «FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 2023, 6, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, S. Orso, M. Karemera, Maria-Pia Victoria Feser, S. Guerrier, Just Identified Indirect Inference Estimator: Accurate Inference through Bias Correction, in: 2023 IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS): Program Book, 2023, pp. 657 - 658 (atti di: IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS), Lisbon, Portugal, December 2023) [Abstract]
S. Guerrier, C. Kuzmics, Maria-Pia Victoria Feser, Assessing COVID-19 Prevalence in Austria with Infection Surveys and Case Count Data as Auxiliary Information, in: 2023 IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS): Program Book, 2023, pp. 294 - 295 (atti di: IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS), Lisbon, Portugal, December 2023) [Abstract]
R. Molinari, Guerrier, Maria-Pia Victoria Feser, H. Xu, Robust and Scalable Inference for Stochastic Processes, in: 2023 IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS): Program Book, 2023, pp. 528 - 529 (atti di: IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS), Lisbon, Portugal, December 2023) [Abstract]