Bille', ANNA GLORIA; Rogna, Marco, Spillover Effects and Temporal Dynamics on the Impact of Renewables on Labour Force: A World Perspective, «ASTA ADVANCES IN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS», 2024, 0, pp. 1 - 41 [Scientific article]
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Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo; D’Innocenzo, Enzo; Guizzardi, Andrea, Score-Driven Modeling with Jumps: An Application to S&P500 Returns and Options, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS», 2024, 22, pp. 375 - 406 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Giada Spaccapanico Proietti, Mariagiulia Matteucci, Stefania Mignani, Bernard P. Veldkamp, Chance-Constrained Automated Test Assembly, «JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS», 2024, 49, pp. 92 - 120 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Bernini Cristina, Emili Silvia, Ferrante Maria, Regional disparities in the sensitivity of well-being to poverty measures, in: Spatial Inequalities and wellbeing: A multidisciplinary perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2024, pp. 1 - 25 [Chapter or essay]
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Luca Vincenzo Ballestra, Modeling economic growth with spatial migration: A stability analysis of the long-run equilibrium based on semigroup theory, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2024, 531, pp. 127794-1 - 127794-33 [Scientific article]
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Farne, Matteo; Montanari, Angela, Large factor model estimation by nuclear norm plus ℓ1 norm penalization, «JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS», 2024, 199, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article] Open Access
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