Quality of research and teaching

The Quality Assurance management system consists of four interrelated processes: planning, management, self-assessment and improvement.
Quality of Research
The approach dictated by the Quality Assurance Committee consists in introducing quality principles in the department: transparency, information sharing, and verifying results with indicators or documentary evidence. It facilitates self-evaluation, offering support to the Departments in defining improvement goals according to their own specificities and in line with the goals of the University Strategic Plan.
Single Annual Report on Departmental Research (SUA-RD)
The Single Annual Report of Departmental Research (Scheda Annuale della Ricerca Dipartimentale, SUA-RD) collects information on research and the third mission and is drawn up by the department. During the annual review meeting, the Department analyses qualitative and quantitative information relating to goals, organisation, quality policies of the department, research groups, and third mission and public engagement initiatives. The SUA-RD is also used for the annual verification of research results for the purposes of periodic evaluation and accreditation conducted by ANVUR - Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes.
SUA-RD continuous improvement cycle
Quality assurance in research and third mission activities:
- Defining the three-year objectives for research and third mission activities, in line with the University’s strategic plan and with monitoring indicators (SUA-RD Quadro A1)
- Third Mission strategy: The department’s main strategy in line with its specifications (SUA-RD Quadro I0)
- Department Organisation (go to Organisation)
- Research Groups (go to Research groups)
- QA management system research: Duties and responsibilities when conducting reviews, resource distribution criteria. (SUA-RD Quadro B2)
- Analysis of the monitoring results: In-depth self-evaluation (AV) and assessment of progress in the three-year goals (SUA-RD Quadro B3 Review)
- Definition and scope for improvement: Defining the areas that require improvement as identified by the self-evaluation (SUA-RD Quadro B3 Review)