S. Brasini; M. Freo; G. Tassinari, Short- and long-run effects of promotions on store sales, in: Programme and Abstracts, S.N, s.n, 2005, 1, pp. 40 - 40 (atti di: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR STATISTICAL COMPUTING 3rd World Conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Limassol, Cyprus, 28-31 October 2005) [Abstract]
S. Mili; S. Gatti, Mercados agroalimentarios y globalizacion, perspectivas para las producciones mediterraneas, MADRID, Consejo Superior Investigacion Cientifica, 2005, pp. 238 (Colleccion de Estudios Ambientales y Socioeconomicos). [Editorship]
F. P. Greco; A. B. Lawson; D. Cocchi; T. Temples, Some interpolation estimates in environmental risk assessment for spatially misaligned health data, «ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL STATISTICS», 2005, 12, pp. 379 - 395 [Scientific article]
D. Cocchi; F. Greco; C. Trivisano, Space -time modelling of PM10 as an example of risk assessment, in: International Conference on the Future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, December 29, 2004 - January 1, 2005, HYDERABAD, ANDRA PRADESH, s.n, 2005, pp. 56 - 57 (atti di: nternational Conference on the Future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, Hyderabad, Indian School of Busines, December 29, 2004 - January 1, 2005) [Abstract]
R. Impicciatore; R. Rettaroli; F. Rossi, Hajnal e le misure di intensità e cadenza della nuzialità, «POPOLAZIONE E STORIA», 2005, 2, pp. 47 - 65 [Scientific article]
S. D'Angelo; L. La Tona; R. Rettaroli, Percorsi di mobilità al femminile: le donne meridionali nel Nord-Italia, «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI ECONOMIA, DEMOGRAFIA E STATISTICA», 2005, LIX, n. 1/2, pp. 105 - 128 [Scientific article]
L. Del Panta; R. Rettaroli; P-A Rosenthal, Methods of Historical Demography, in: Demography: Analysis and Synthesis. A Treatise in Population (Volume 1-4), LONDON, Elsevier, 2005, pp. 597 - 618 [Chapter or essay]
E. Fabrizi; M. Ferrante; S. Pacei, La stima per piccole aree del reddito equivalente medio tramite modelli misti: un confronto tra ipotesi distributive alternative, in: Metodi statistici per l'integrazione di dati da fonti diverse, MILANO, FRANCO ANGELI, 2005, pp. 79 - 102 [Chapter or essay]
M. Ferrante; C. Trivisano, The estimation of the forecasted labour demand using small area models for count data, in: Abstracts, KUALA LUMPUR, s.n, 2005(atti di: International Statistical Conference “Statistical in the Technological age”, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, 27-31 Dicembre 2005) [Abstract]
E. Fabrizi; M. Ferrante; S. Pacei, Estimation of poverty indicators at sub-national level using multivariate small area models, «STATISTICS IN TRANSITION», 2005, 7, pp. 587 - 608 [Scientific article] Open Access
M. Ferrante; M. Freo, Identifying peculiar states in local administration financial ratios, in: Classification and Data analysis 2005 - Book of Short Papers, PARMA, Monte Università, 2005, pp. 337 - 340 (atti di: Meeting of the Classification and Data Analyisis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Parma - Italy, 6-8 june 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Pillati; C. Viroli, Locally linear embedding for nonlinear dimension reduction in classification problems: an application to gene expression data, «STATISTICA», 2005, 1, pp. 61 - 71 [Scientific article]
A. Montanari; P. Monari; C. Viroli, Independent Factor Discriminant Analysis, in: Programme and Abstracts, S.N., s.n, 2005, 1, pp. 56 - 56 (atti di: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR STATISTICAL COMPUTING 3rd World Conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Limassol, Cyprus, 28-31 October 2005) [Abstract]
D.G. Calò; A. Montanari; C. Viroli, Dimensionality Reduction for Discrimination by Independent Factor Analysis, in: Program and Abstracts, MAGDEBURG, s.n, 2005, pp. 68 - 68 (atti di: From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering 29th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society, Magdeburg, March 9-11, 2005) [Abstract]
G. Galimberti; A. Montanari; M. Costa, Regression trees for skew dependent variables, in: Programme and abstract, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 80 - 80 (atti di: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR STATISTICAL COMPUTING 3rd World Conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Limassol, Cyprus, 28-31 October 2005) [Abstract]
M.L.Guerra; L.Stefanini, Approximate Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations Using Monotonic Interpolations, «FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS», 2005, 150/1, pp. 5 - 33 [Scientific article]
M.L.Guerra; L.Sorini, Testing Robustness in Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2005, 163/1, pp. 145 - 153 [Scientific article]
P. Agati; P. Monari; L. Stracqualursi, Hurricane track forecasting: an approach based on probability density combining, in: Third World IASC Conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis: Programme and Abstracts, s.l, Matrix Computations and Statistics Group, 2005(atti di: Third World IASC Conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Limassol, Cyprus, 28-31 October 2005) [Abstract]
M.L.Guerra; G.Figà-Talamanca, Risk Measures in Hobson and Rogers stochastic volatility model, in: Abtsracts del XXIX convegno A.M.A.S.E.S, s.l, sine nomine, 2005(atti di: XXIX convegno A.M.A.S.E.S, Palermo, 12-16 Settembre 2005) [Abstract]
G. Cavrini; G. Roli; P. Pandolfi, A multilevel analysis on prescribed statines in a Bologna Health Authority from 2000 to 2003, in: null, «VALUE IN HEALTH», 2005, 8, pp. 103 - 104 (atti di: 8th Annual European Congress of ISPOR, Firenze, 6-8 novembre 2005) [Abstract]