G. Mingari Scarpello; D. Ritelli, Relativistic brachistochrones under electric or gravitational uniform fields, «ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND MECHANIK», 2006, Volume 86 N° 9, pp. 736 - 743 [Scientific article]
G. Mingari Scarpello; D. Ritelli, A nonlinear variational problem of profit maximization with convex costs, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES», 2006, Volume 1 N° 6, pp. 267 - 283 [Scientific article]
G. Nicoletti; D. Ritelli; M. Silimbani, A 3-dimensional Eulerian array, «ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE», 2006, Volume 52, pp. 107 - 126 [Scientific article]
M. CASTELLANI, La teoria del ciclo economico: modelli dinamici e stocastici di equilibrio economico generale, RIMINI, maggioli, 2006, pp. 166 (impresa, mercato, istituzioni). [Research monograph]
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E. Bernardi; A. Bove, On the Cauchy Problem for Some Hyperbolic Operator with Double Characteristics, in: Phase Space Analysis in Partial Differential Equations, BOSTON, Birkhaeuser, 2006, pp. 29 - 44 (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications) [Chapter or essay]
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M. Brizzi, A skewed model combining triangular and exponential features: the two-faced distribution and its statistical properties., «AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS», 2006, 35, pp. 455 - 462 [Scientific article]
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S. Mazzuco; L. Mencarini; R. Rettaroli, Similarities and differences between two cohorts of young adults in Italy: Results of a CATI survey on transition to adulthood., «DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH», 2006, 15, pp. 105 - 146 [Scientific article]
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A. Guizzardi; M. Mazzocchi, Analisi e Previsione della Domanda di Turismo: Aspetti Economici e Problemi Statistici, RIMINI, Diapason, 2006, pp. 40 (Note e Ricerche). [Research monograph]