About us

The Library of Statistical Sciences was founded in 1982 by Professor Paolo Fortunati with the aim of collecting, preserving and providing access to specialized documentation about the Department's fields of study and research. For this reason, the main focus (and most of the acquisitions) of the library is on Statistics, Economics, Demography, Biostatistics and Actuarial Science. Moreover, the library holds a large collection of Italian and international statistical data. Since 2004, the library has carried the ISO 9001 certification (Quality Management System) and was amongst the first promoters of the Certified Italian Libraries Association. In 2025 the library has become part of ARPAC - Cultural Heritage Division of Bologna University, maintening its disciplinary classification.
Postal address: Via Belle Arti, 41 - 40126 Bologna - Italy - email: biblioteca.dipstatistica@unibo.it - Tel: +39 051 2098197 - Fax: +39 051 2086242
How to reach us
Suggested bus from the Central train station: 36 or 37 stop "porta San Donato" in Irnerio street. Suggested access to special need users on the building right hand corner on XX Ottobre 1945 street.
Library of Statistical Sciences
Via Belle Arti 41 Bologna - 1st floor