Manrique Rosa; Targetti Stefano; Viaggi Davide; Galimberti Giuliano; Raggi Meri., PAC e gestione del paesaggio: quali gli effetti di secondo ordine?, «AGRIREGIONIEUROPA», 2013, 34, pp. 60 - 63 [Scientific article]
Maria Rosaria Ferrante; Marco Novelli, Heterogeneity and Number of Export Destinations of Italian Firms: A Hurdle Negative Binomial Regression Approach, «GLOBAL ECONOMY JOURNAL», 2013, 13, pp. 391 - 416 [Scientific article]
Davide Viaggi; Fabio Bartolini; Marco Puddu; Meri Raggi, The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on Land Markets in Italy, in: AA.VV., Land, Labour & Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Brussels, CEPS, 2013, pp. 59 - 71 [Chapter or essay]
Figini P; Vici L., Tourism and Growth in a Cross-Section of Countries, in: Recent Developments in the Economics of Tourism, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2013, pp. 13 - 29 [Chapter or essay]
A. Samoggia; F. Scalone, Mortalità neonatale e contesto familiare nell’area rurale di Bologna (1819-1900), in: Mortalità e stato di salute dalla nascita alla prima adolescenza. Indagini micro in Italia, secoli XIX-XX, Udine, Forum, 2013, pp. 81 - 99 [Chapter or essay]
Giacomo Calzolari; Vincenzo Denicolò, Competition with exclusive contracts and market-share discounts, «THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2013, 103, pp. 2384 - 2411 [Scientific article]
A. Zanzotto; M. Gardiman; S. Serra; D. Bellotto; F. Bruno; F. Greco; C. Trivisano, The spatiotemporal spread of esca disease in a Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard: a statistical analysis of field data, «PLANT PATHOLOGY», 2013, 62, pp. 1205 - 1213 [Scientific article]
Fontanesi L.; Buttazzoni L.; Galimberti G.; Calò D.G.; Scotti E.; Russo V., Association between melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) gene haplotypes and carcass and production traits in Italian Large White pigs evaluated with a selective genotyping approach., «LIVESTOCK SCIENCE», 2013, 157, pp. 48 - 56 [Scientific article]
Angelina Mazzocchetti; Lucia Pasquini; Rosella Rettaroli, Evoluzione della popolazione, in: Sviluppo sociale e benessere in Emilia-Romagna. Trasformazioni, sfide e opportunità, Milano, Edizioni Franco Angeli, 2013, pp. 17 - 42 [Chapter or essay]
Toni R.; Zini N.; Barbaro F.; Zamparelli A.; Dallatana D.; Bassi E.; Mosca S.; Lippi G.; Spaletta G.; Bassoli E.; Denti L.; Gatto A.; Parrilli A.; Fini M.; Giardino R.; Ceglia L.; Sandri M.; Sprio S.; Tampieri A, BIOARTIFICIAL ENDOCRINE ORGANS: A TRANSLATIONAL PERSPECTIVE IN REGENERATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, in: Proceeding of the MiMe, Faenza, Centuria Romagna Innovation Agenc, 2013, pp. 200 - 200 (atti di: International Conference on Materials in Medicine, Faenza, Italy, October 8-11, 2013) [Abstract]
Capacci S.; Randon E.; Scorcu A. E., Luck vs Skill in Gambling over the Recession. Evidence from Italy, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, 2013, pp. 15 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph]
Capacci S.; Scorcu A. E.; Vici L., Eco labels and tourism flows: How much is a Blue Flag worth?, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, 2013, pp. 22 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph]
C.A. Scirè; C. Viroli; M. Manara; M.A. Cimmino; M. Govoni; F. Salaffi; C. Montecucco; M. Matucci-Cerinic; G. Minisola, Development and Preliminary Validation of a Candidate Disease Activity Score for Gout, «ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES», 2013, 72, pp. 48 - 49 [Scientific article]
Proietti T.; Luati A., Maximum likelihood estimation of time series models: the Kalman filter and beyond, in: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics, Celthenham, Edgar Elgar Pbblishing, 2013, pp. 334 - 362 [Chapter or essay]
Maria Letizia Guerra; Luciano Stefanini, Expectile smoothing of time series using F-transform, in: 8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, 2013, 32, pp. 559 - 564 (atti di: EUSFLAT 2013, Milano, 12-14 settembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Lubisco; A. Saguatti, Muoversi e vivere l'ambiente, in: Rosella Rettaroli e Paolo Zurla, Sviluppo Sociale e Benessere in Emilia-Romagna, Milano, FRANCO ANGELI, 2013, pp. 234 - 260 [Chapter or essay]
S Gatti, Changes in the designation of origin territory: A comparison of the municipal data of the general censuses of Italian agriculture, in: Seventh Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists, American Association of Wine Economists, 2013, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Seventh Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists, Stellenbosch (ZA), June 26-29, 2013) [Abstract]
Raggi M; Mary S.; Santini F.; Gomez y Paloma S., A classification of European NUTS3 regions, Bruxelles, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013, pp. 60 . [Research monograph]
Montanari A.; Calò D.G., Model-based clustering of probability density functions, «ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION», 2013, 7, pp. 301 - 319 [Scientific article]
G. Candela; M. Castellani; M. Mussoni, Imposta di soggiorno: spesa pubblica e tassazione nelle destinazioni turistiche, «POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2013, XXIX, pp. 293 - 318 [Scientific article]