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Brouwer, Roy; Martin-Ortega, Julia; Dekker, Thijs; Sardonini, Laura; Andreu, Joaquin; Kontogianni, Areti; Skourtos, Michalis; Raggi, Meri; Viaggi, Davide; Pulido-Velazquez, Manuel; Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill, Improving value transfer through socio-economic adjustments in a multicountry choice experiment of water conservation alternatives, «THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2015, 59, pp. 458 - 478 [Scientific article]
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Viaggi, Davide; Signorotti, Claudio; Marconi, Valentina; Raggi, Meri, Do agri-environmental schemes contribute to high nature value farmland? A case study in Emilia-Romagna (Italy), «ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS», 2015, 59, pp. 62 - 69 [Scientific article]
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