Di Giulio, Paola; Impicciatore, Roberto; Sironi, Maria, The changing pattern of cohabitation: A sequence analysis approach, «DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH», 2019, 40, pp. 1211 - 1248 [Scientific article]
Cornelsen, Laura*; Mazzocchi, Mario; Smith, Richard D., Fat tax or thin subsidy? How price increases and decreases affect the energy and nutrient content of food and beverage purchases in Great Britain, «SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE», 2019, 230, pp. 318 - 327 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gobbi, Fabio; Kolev, Nikolai; Mulinacci, Sabrina, JOINT LIFE INSURANCE PRICING USING EXTENDED MARSHALL–OLKIN MODELS, «ASTIN BULLETIN», 2019, 49, pp. 409 - 432 [Scientific article] Open Access
Rosella Rettaroli, Francesca Tosi, La famiglia italiana tra cambiamenti demografici e modelli di sviluppo, in: La famiglia a cinquant'anni da Humanae vitae, Roma, Studium Edizioni, 2019, pp. 21 - 38 [Chapter or essay]
Giorgio Tassinari, All'origine dell'indagine campionaria sulle forze di lavoro. La monografia Emilia della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla disoccupazione., in: Misurare il lavoro e il non lavoro dal 1929 ad oggi, Canterano (RM), Aracne editrice, 2019, pp. 107 - 128 [Chapter or essay]
Ranciati, Saverio; Galimberti, Giuliano; Soffritti, Gabriele, Bayesian variable selection in linear regression models with non-normal errors, «STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS», 2019, 28, pp. 323 - 358 [Scientific article] Open Access
Maria R. Ferrante, Marzia Freo, Detecting learning‐by‐exporting effects on firms' productivity distribution by accounting for heterogeneous macrofactors and panel attrition, «WORLD ECONOMY», 2019, 42, pp. 2745 - 2773 [Scientific article]
Patrizia Giannantoni; Livia Elisa Ortensi; Salvatore Stozza; Giuseppe Gabrielli;, La fecondità degli stranieri: misure e determinanti, in: Vita e percorsi di integrazione degli immigrati in Italia, Roma, ISTAT, 2019, pp. 101 - 119 [Chapter or essay]
Francesca Tosi, Quando la migrazione divide le famiglie a metà: caratteristiche e benessere dei genitori transnazionali in Italia, «Neodemos», 2019, Aprile, pp. 1 - 1 [Scientific article]
Zavalloni M.; Raggi M.; Viaggi D., Agri-environmental Policies and Public Goods: An Assessment of Coalition Incentives and Minimum Participation Rules, «ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2019, 72, pp. 1023 - 1040 [Scientific article]
Caloffi, Anna; Freo, Marzia; Ghinoi, Stefano; Rossi, Federica; Russo, Margherita, Is a policy mix more effective than individual policies for SME innovation? An exploratory analysis, «PLATTFORM FORSCHUNGS- UND TECHNOLOGIEEVALUIERUNG», 2019, 47, pp. 72 - 77 [Scientific article]
Federico Crescenzi , Marzia Freo , Alessandra Luati, Text Based Pricing Modelling: an Application to the Fashion Industry, in: Smart Statistics for Smart Applications - Book of Short Papaers 2019, Pearson, 2019, pp. 775 - 780 (atti di: Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Milano, 18-21 Giugno 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Roberto Impicciatore; Francesca Tosi, Student mobility in Italy: The increasing role of family background during the expansion of higher education supply, «RESEARCH IN SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND MOBILITY», 2019, 62, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Impicciatore R.; Panichella N., Internal Migration Trajectories, Occupational Achievement and Social Mobility in Contemporary Italy. A Life Course Perspective, «POPULATION SPACE & PLACE», 2019, 25, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
Spaccapanico Proietti Giada, Matteucci Mariagiulia , Mignani Stefania, Dealing with uncertainty in automated test assembly problems, in: Smart Statistics for Smart Applications. Book of short papers of the SIS2019, Pearson, 2019, pp. 1083 - 1088 (atti di: SIS 2019 Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Milan, Italy, 18/06/2019-21/06/2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mariagiulia Matteucci; Stefania Mignani, New developments in the evaluation of goodness of fit for multidimensional IRT models based on posterior predictive assessment: Results from the INVALSI data, in: Statistical Methods for Service Quality Evaluation, Book of short papers of IES 2019, Napoli, Cuzzolin, 2019, pp. 210 - 213 (atti di: 9th International Conference IES 2019 - Innovation & Society - Statistical evaluation systems at 360°: techniques, technologies and new frontiers, Roma, 4-5 luglio 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Laura Anderlucci, Angela Montanari, Cinzia Viroli, The Importance of Being Clustered: Uncluttering the Trends of Statistics from 1970 to 2015, «STATISTICAL SCIENCE», 2019, 34, pp. 280 - 300 [Scientific article] Open Access
Benni S.; Carfagna E.; Torreggiani D.; Maino E.; Bovo M.; Tassinari P., Multidimensional measurement of the level of consistency of farm buildings with rural heritage: A methodology tested on an Italian case study, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2019, 11, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access
Novelli Marco; Zagoraiou Maroussa, Unsuitability of likelihood-based asymptotic confidence intervals for Response-Adaptive designs in normal homoscedastic trials, in: Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, 2019, pp. 997 - 1002 (atti di: SIS 2019 - Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, June 18, 2019 – June 21, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Simona Scalbi, Alessandra Bendini, Beatrice Biondi, Luca Camanzi, Carmelo Cascone, Cristian Chiavetta, Paola Sposato, Federica Tesini, Enrico Valli, Tullia Gallina Toschi, Valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti di una filiera agroalimentare: co-frangitura di olive e bucce e semi di pomodoro per la produzione di olio con licopene, in: Atti del XIII Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA, 2019(atti di: XIII Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA - Il Life Cycle Thinking a supporto delle strategie di mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, Roma, 13-14 giugno 2019) [Poster]