Silvia Emili; Attilio Gardini; Enrico Foscolo, High spatial and temporal detail in timely prediction of tourism demand, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2020, 22, pp. 451 - 463 [Scientific article]
Cristina Brasili; Stefano Boccaletti, Il sistema agro-alimentare dell'Emilia-Romagna Rapporto 2019, Bologna, Unioncamere e Regione Emilia-Romagna, 2020, pp. 377 . [Editorship]
Samuele Bovo, Mohamad Ballan, Giuseppina Schiavo, Anisa Ribani, Silvia Tinarelli, Valerio Joe Utzeri, Giuliano Galimberti, Manolo Cappelloni, Maurizio Gallo, Stefania Dall’Olio, Luca Fontanesi, Single-SNP and haplotype-based genome scans for teat number in Italian Large White and Landrace pigs, in: European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2020, pp. 189 - 189 (atti di: 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Virtual Meeting, 1st-4th December 2020) [Abstract]
Fabrizi, E.; Salvati, N.; Trivisano, C., Robust Bayesian small area estimation based on quantile regression, «COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS», 2020, 145, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gardini A.; Trivisano C.; Fabrizi E., Bayesian inference for quantiles of the log-normal distribution, «BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL», 2020, 62, pp. 1997 - 2012 [Scientific article] Open Access
A. Gardini, F. Greco, C. Trivisano, Priors on precision parameters of IGRMF models, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2020, Pearson, 2020, pp. 459 - 464 (atti di: SIS 2020, Pisa, Giugno 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
linda altieri; daniela cocchi, Spatial sampling and spatial entropy, in: 52èmes Journées de Statistiques de la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS) 25-29 mai 2020 Nice France Recueil des soumissions, 2020, pp. 200 - 205 (atti di: 52èmes Journées de Statistiques de la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS), Nizza, 25/05/2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Martin Forster ; Emanuela Randon, Epidemic policy under uncertainty and information, York, UK, University of York, 2020, pp. 16 . [Research monograph]
Andres Alban, Stephen Chick, Martin Forster, Value-based clinical trials: selecting trial lengths and recruitment rates in different regulatory contexts, York, Department of Economics, University of York, 2020, pp. 51 . [Research monograph]
Giannerini S.; Montanari A., Introduction to the theme issue: The skew-normal and related distributions, «STATISTICA», 2020, 80, pp. 127 - 130 [Scientific article] Open Access
Angela Montanari, A Conversation with Adelchi Azzalini and Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, «STATISTICA», 2020, 80, pp. 131 - 143 [Scientific article] Open Access
Baier, D.; Lausen, B.; Montanari, A.; Schmid, U., Special issue on “Learning in data science: theory, methods and applications”—preface by the guest editors, «ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION», 2020, 14, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Giorgio Tassinari; Fabrizio Alboni; Arianna Tassinari; Ignazio Drudi;, Stringency of Covid-19 Restrictions among Italian Regions and the Role of Regional Economic Systems, in: ERAZ 2020 Selected Papers. The 6th Conference on Knoledgw Based Sustainable Delepment, Belgrade, Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, 2020, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: The 6th ERAZ Conference on Knoledge Based Sustainable Devolpment, Belgrado, Serbia [online], 21/05/2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Mirko Armillotta; Alessandra Luati; Monia Lupparelli, Observation-driven models for storm counts, in: Book of short Papers SIS 2020, 2020, pp. 863 - 868 (atti di: 50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa, 22-24 Giugno 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Manuali, E.; Forte, C.; Porcellato, I.; Brachelente, C.; Sforna, M.; Pavone, S.; Ranciati, S.; Morgante, R.; Crescio, I. M.; Ru, G.; Mechelli, L., A five-year cohort study on testicular tumors from a population-based canine cancer registry in central Italy (Umbria), «PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE», 2020, 185, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article] Open Access
A. Stacchini, A. Guizzardi, M. Costa, Modelling perceived value as a driver of tourism development, Munich, Munich University Library, 2020, pp. 24 . [Research monograph]
Giorgio Tassinari, Il nemico è l'ordoliberismo, «CRITICA MARXISTA», 2020, 4, pp. 71 - 71 [Review]
Ahmadian D.; Ballestra L.V., Pricing geometric Asian rainbow options under the mixed fractional Brownian motion, «PHYSICA. A», 2020, 555, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
Hausdorf B.; Hennig C., Species delimitation and geography, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES», 2020, 20, pp. 950 - 960 [Scientific article] Open Access
Anna Gloria Billé; Samantha Leorato, Partial ML estimation for spatial autoregressive nonlinear probit models with autoregressive disturbances, «ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS», 2020, 39, pp. 437 - 475 [Scientific article] Open Access