A. Baldi Antognini; M. Zagoraiou, Covariate Adjusted Designs for Combining Efficiency, Ethics and Randomness in Normal Response Trials, in: A. C. ATKINSON, A. GIOVAGNOLI, C. MAY, B. TORSNEY, mODa 9 - Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis, HEIDELBERG, Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2010, pp. 17 - 24 (atti di: mODa 9: Model-Oriented Data Analysis and Optimum Design, Bertinoro, Italy, 13-18 giugno, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Berti; I. Crimaldi; L. Pratelli; P. Rigo, Central limit theorems for multicolor urns with dominated colors, «STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS», 2010, 120, pp. 1473 - 1491 [Scientific article]
M. Castellani; L. Vici, Le ricerche empiriche sul Diritto di seguito. I dati dell'Italia, in: Il maestro e il suo diritto, TORINO, Umberto Allemandi & C., 2010, pp. 134 - 165 (I testimoni dell'arte) [Chapter or essay]
Sardonini L.; Raggi M.; Viaggi D., Assessing the sustainability of agri-food systems through Bayesian Networks applications: an exploratory study, in: Proceeding of 119th EAAE Seminar 'Sustainability in the Food Sector: Rethinking the Relationship between the Agro-Food System and the Natural, Social, Economic and Institutional Environments’, CAPRI, s.n, 2010, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: Proceeding of 119th EAAE Seminar 'Sustainability in the Food Sector: Rethinking the Relationship between the Agro-Food System and the Natural, Social, Economic and Institutional Environments’, Capri - Italy, June, 30th – July, 2nd, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Montanari; C. Viroli, The independent factor analysis approach to latent variable modelling, «STATISTICS», 2010, 44, pp. 397 - 416 [Scientific article]
Pizza F; Contardi S; Antognini AB; Zagoraiou M; Borrotti M; Mostacci B; Mondini S; Cirignotta F., Sleep quality and motor vehicle crashes in adolescents., «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE», 2010, 15;6(1), pp. 41 - 45 [Scientific article]
Sardonini L.; Raggi M.; Viaggi D., Bayesian Networks as a tool to assess the multiple effects of agricultural policies in rural areas, in: Proceedings of 118 th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery, s.l, s.n, 2010, pp. 297 - 310 (atti di: 118 th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery, Ljubljana,, 25-27 August 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
J. Barlow; L. Elden; P. Foschi, 3rd Special issue on matrix computations and statistics, «COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS», 2010, 54, pp. 3379 - 3380 [Comment or similar]
Daniela G. Calò; Cinzia Viroli, A dimensionally reduced finite mixture model for multilevel data, «JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS», 2010, 101, pp. 2543 - 2553 [Scientific article]
Vittori Antisari L.; Trivisano C.; Gessa C.; Gherardi M.; Simoni A.; Vianello G.; Zamboni N., Quality of municipal wastewater compared to surface waters of the river and artificial canal network in different areas of the Eastern Po Valley (Italy), «WATER QUALITY, EXPOSURE AND HEALTH», 2010, 2, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Furlan A.; Bartolini F.; Viaggi D.; Raggi M., Visione del futuro, ruolo della Pac e priorità di ricerca per le aree rurali dell'Emilia-Romagna, in: Cambiamenti nel sistema alimentare. Nuovi problemi, strategie, politiche, MILANO, FrancoAngeli, 2010, pp. 391 - 402 (atti di: XLVI Convegno annuale di Studi della SOcietà Italiana di Economia Agraria, Piacenza, 16-19 Settembre 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Viaggi D.; Raggi M.; Caiti A., Simulazione della domanda di acqua a fini irrigui in un consorzio di bonifica dell'Emilia-Romagna mediante un modello di PMP, in: Cambiamenti nel sistema alimentare. Nuovi problemi, strategie, politiche, MILANO, FrancoAngeli, 2010, pp. 567 - 575 (atti di: XLVI Convegno annuale di Studi della Società Italiana di Economia Agraria, Piacenza, 16-19 Settembre 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. calzolari; G. Barba Navaretti; A. F. Pozzolo; M. Levi, Multinational banking in Europe – financial stability and regulatory implications: lessons from the financial crisis, «ECONOMIC POLICY», 2010, 25, pp. 703 - 753 [Scientific article]
Viaggi D.; Bartolini F.; Raggi M.; Sardonini L., The role of the Common Agricultural Policy in the spatial location of agricultural activities, in: Proceedings of the EAAE-SYAL Seminar, PARMA, s.n, 2010, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Spatial dynamics in agri-food systems. Implications for sustainability and consumer welfare, Parma, 27-29 October 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Bernardini Papalia; P. Calia, A novel factor decomposition of productivity differentials: evidence from foreign owned and domestic firms in Italy, «WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS», 2010, 7, pp. 332 - 348 [Scientific article]
Luati A., Quantum information and statistical inference, «ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS», 2010, Special Issue on New Trends in Quantum Information, pp. 125 - 154 [Scientific article]
A. Pascucci; P. Foschi; F. Corielli, Parametrix approximation of diffusion transition densities, «SIAM JOURNAL ON FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS», 2010, 1, pp. 833 - 867 [Scientific article]
L. Ferrero; M. G. Perrone; S. Petraccone; G. Sangiorgi; B. S. Ferrini; C. Lo Porto; Z. Lazzati; D. Cocchi; F. Bruno; F. Greco; A. Riccio; E. Bolzacchini, Vertically-resolved particle size distribution within and above the mixing layer over the Milan metropolitan area, «ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS», 2010, 10, pp. 3915 - 3932 [Scientific article]
A. Montanari; C. Viroli, Heteroscedastic Factor Mixture Analysis, «STATISTICAL MODELLING», 2010, 10, pp. 441 - 460 [Scientific article]
Mazzocchi M.; Hansstein F.; Ragona M., The 2010 Volcanic Ash Cloud and Its Financial Impact on the European Airline Industry, «CESIFO FORUM», 2010, 11, pp. 92 - 100 [Scientific article]