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Ortensi LE, La fruizione dei servizi territoriali lombardi da parte delle donne immigrate di origine marocchina, egiziana e pakistana, in: Esperienze di donne nella migrazione araba e pakistana, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 77 - 89 [Chapter or essay]
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Dupuis-Lozeron, E.; Maria-Pia Victoria Feser, Simulation Based Estimation for Generalized Latent Linear Variables Models, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Methods and Models for Latent Variables (MMLV012), Quaderni di Statistica, 2012, 14, pp. 93 - 96 (atti di: International Conference on Methods and Models for Latent Variables (MMLV012), Napoli, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M.Brizzi, Introduzione alla probabilità e all'inferenza statistica, LIMENA (PD),, 2011, pp. 184 . [Research monograph]
M. Scagliarini, On the assessment of multivariate measurement systems, in: SCo 2011, Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, PADOVA, CLEUP, 2011, pp. 31 - 31 (atti di: SCo 2011 7th Conference on Statistical Computation and Complex Systems, Padova, September 19-21, 2011) [Abstract]
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G. Galimberti; M. Pillati; G. Soffritti, Notes on the robustness of regression trees against skewed and contaminated errors, in: New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis, BERLIN, Springer-Verlag, «STUDIES IN CLASSIFICATION, DATA ANALYSIS, AND KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION», 2011, pp. 255 - 263 (atti di: 7th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Catania, Italy, September 9-11, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]