silvia gatti; cristiana corsi; claudio fabbri, The Early Detection of Breast Cancer for Women in Bologna (IT) after the Offer Reorganization, in: Western Economic Association International Virtual International Conference March 17th-19th, 2021, Fountain Valley (CA), Western Economic Association International, 2021, pp. 1 - 24 (atti di: Western Economic AssociationI Virtual International Conference, virtual, March 17th-19th, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Federico Agostinis, Monica Chiogna, Vera Djordjilovic ́, Luna Pianesi, Chiara Romualdi, Searching for a source of difference in undirected graphical models for count data - an empirical study, in: Book of short papers - SIS2021, PEARSON, 2021, pp. 689 - 694 (atti di: 50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa, Italy, June 21, 2021 – June 25, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Diaz Rubio Gery Andres, Giannerini Simone, Goracci Greta, On the asymptotic mean-squared prediction error for multivariate time series., in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, 2021, pp. 1599 - 1604 (atti di: 50th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa, 21-25 June 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Silvia Bianconcini; Silvia Cagnone, Comparison between Different Likelihood BasedEstimation Methods in Latent Variable Models for Categorical Data, in: Perna C., Salvati N., Schirripa Spagnolo N., Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, Pearson, 2021, pp. 151 - 156 (atti di: Sis 2021, On-line, 21-25 giugno 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
BALDI ANTOGNINI, Alessandro; Frieri, Rosamarie; Novelli, Marco; Zagoraiou, Maroussa, Multi-objective optimal allocations for experimental studies with binary outcome, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021 pt. 1, Pearson, 2021, pp. 621 - 626 (atti di: SIS 2021, Pisa (online), 21-25 Giugno 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marco Novelli, Information borrowing in phase II basket trials: a comparison of different designs, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, 2021, pp. 572 - 577 (atti di: SIS 2021, Pisa, 21-25/6/2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mariagiulia Matteucci; Stefania Mignani, Investigating model fit in item response models with the Hellinger distance, in: CLADAG 2021 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND SHORT PAPERS, Firenze, Firenze University Press, «PROCEEDINGS E REPORT», 2021, pp. 150 - 153 (atti di: 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Firenze (online), 9-11 settembre 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
De Nicolò, S.; Ferrante, M.R.; Pacei, S., Small area estimation of inequality measures via Simplex regression, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, Pearson, 2021, pp. 1051 - 1056 (atti di: SIS 2021, Pisa, June 21-25, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Scagliarini, R. Gualdi, G. Ottaviano, A. Rizzo, F. Padoani, A Distribution-Free Approach for Detecting Radioxenon Anomalous Concentrations, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, PEARSON, 2021, pp. 872 - 877 (atti di: SIS 2021, PISA, 21-25 GIUGNO 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Ottaviano, M. Scagliarini, A. Rizzo, R. Gualdi, S. Guernelli, C. Sanguigni, L. Ferri, F. Padoani, Statistical study of the IMS 133Xe data distributions, using both a parametric and a non-parametric method, in: CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT2021), Book of Abstracts, 2021, pp. 47 - 48 (atti di: CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT2021), Vienna, Monday 28 June 2021 – Friday 02 July 2021) [Abstract]
G. Ottaviano, M. Scagliarini, A. Rizzo, S. Guernelli, L. Ferri, C. Sanguigni, F. Padoani, A. Ciocca, Parametric study of the radioxenon data distribution, measured at the noble gas stations of the International Monitoring System of the CTBTO, in: CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT2021), Book of Abstracts, 2021, pp. 159 - 160 (atti di: CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT2021), Vienna, Monday 28 June 2021 – Friday 02 July 2021) [Abstract]
G. Ottaviano, M. Scagliarini, A. Rizzo, R. Gualdi, F. Padoani, Non-parametric study of the radioxenon data distribution, measured at the noble gas stations of the International Monitoring System of the CTBTO, in: CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT2021), Book of Abstracts, 2021, pp. 160 - 160 (atti di: CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT2021), Vienna, Monday 28 June 2021 – Friday 02 July 2021) [Abstract]
Flavio Lupia; Pietro macedoni; Davide Rizzi; Fabio Pierangeli; Salvatore Carfì; Francesco Sofia; Elisabetta Carfagna, Large-scale geospatial agricultural layer: integrating administrative data from the Italian agricultural paying agency, in: Proceedings of the XLII Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Regional Science, Rimini, A.I.S.Re – Italian Association of Regional Science, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: XLII Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Regional Science, Web, 8-10 Settembre 2021) [Poster]
Christian Hennig; Pietro Coretto, Non-parametric consistency for the Gaussian mixture maximum likelihood estimator, in: Cladag 2021 Book of Abstracts and Short Papers, Giovanni C. Porzio; Carla Rampichini; Chiara Bocci, 2021, pp. 116 - 119 (atti di: Cladag 2021, Firenze, September 9-11, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Christian Hennig, Some results on identifiable parameters that cannot be identified from data, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, Cira Perna; Nicola Salvati; Francesco Schirripa Spagnolo, 2021, pp. 1181 - 1186 (atti di: SIS 2021, Pisa, June 21-25, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marco Berrettini; Giuliano Galimberti; Saverio Ranciati, Semiparametric finite mixture of regression models with Bayesian P-splines, in: CLADAG 2021 Book of Abstracts and Short Papers, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2021, pp. 268 - 271 (atti di: CLADAG 2021 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Firenze, 9-11 Settembre 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Altieri; D. Cocchi, Entropy estimation for binary data with dependence structures, in: Proceedings of the Conference of the Italian Statistical Society, 2021, pp. 1088 - 1093 (atti di: 50th Conference of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa, 21-25 giugno 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Altieri; D. Cocchi, Estimating the biodiversity of a system with covariates and dependence structures, in: Proceedings of the GRASPA 2021 Conference, 2021, pp. 37 - 40 (atti di: GRASPA 2021 Conference, Rome, 7-9 giugno 2021) [Abstract]
Manuela Fabbri; Chiara Panciroli; Anita Macauda; Giada Trisolini, Fare didattica con i robot: studio esplorativo sulle percezioni e competenze dei docenti, in: Interazione Bambini-Robot 2021. Book of Abstract, 2021, pp. 45 - 45 (atti di: Convegno nazionale Interazione Bambini-Robot 2021 (IBR21), online, 13 - 14 Aprile 2021) [Abstract]
Gardini, A.; Fabrizi, E.; Trivisano, C., Bayesian small area models with log-transformed response, in: Proceedings of the GRASPA 2021 Conference, 2021, pp. 57 - 60 (atti di: GRASPA 2021, Rome, 07-09 June 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]