
The Director is supported by the contribution of different committees and groups which coordinate institutional activities of the Department.

Research Committee

Coordinator: Cinzia Viroli (Delegate).

Members: Laura Anderlucci, Silvia Emili, Fedele Greco, Livia Elisa Ortensi, Pierpaolo Pattitoni, Daniele Ritelli; the Director Carlo Trivisano also participates in meetings of the Committee

Orientation Committee

Coordinator: Ida D'Attoma (Delegate).

Members: Marco Novelli, Pierpaolo Pattitoni, Saverio Ranciati, Daniele Ritelli.

International Relations Committee

Coordinator: Sara Capacci (Delegate).

Members: Laura Anderlucci, Ida D'Attoma, Mariagiulia Matteucci, Daniele Ritelli, Laura Vici.

Third Mission Committee

Coordinator: Cristina Brasili (Delegate).

Members: Saverio Ranciati, Francesca Tosi, Laura Vici, Matteo Farné, Beatrice Biondi, Giulia Spaletta, Alessandro Lubisco.

Working group on Teaching

Members: the Director, Teaching Delegate and each coordinator of a course belonging to the department.

Internal Group for Dissemination and Public Relations

Coordinator: Saverio Ranciati.

Members: Chiara Ludovica Comolli, Beatrice Biondi, Martin Forster.

Quality Assurance Group

Members: Department Director, Research Delegate, Teaching Delegate, Third Mission Delegate, RAGD, PhD coordinator, Library services reference person, President of Joint Committee Teachers-Students, one student.

Library Scientific Committee

Section members:

  • Bio-statistics: Monica Chiogna;
  • Actuarial: Alberto Lanconelli;
  • Socio-demographic: Francesco Scalone (President of the Committee);
  • Economic: Ida D’Attoma;
  • Statistical methodology: Patrizia Agati;
  • Library Manager: Silvia Girometti;
  • Representative for library staff: Beatrice Zambelli;
  • Representative for students: Riccardo Stefanelli.

Quality Certification ISO/9001 Committee

Members: Head of Department, Carlo Trivisano; Administrative Manager, Monica Castagnari; Delegate, Giorgio Tassinari; editor of  STATISTICA; representatives of administrative and technical services,  Giuseppe Marascio, Michela Mengoli, Roberto Sgarbi.

Editorial Committee "STATISTICA" journal

The Department publishes the journal STATISTICA (ISSN: 1973-2201); the journal is published quarterly and available online since the 2013.  

Editor: Christian Martin Hennig;

Co-Editor(s): Roberto Impicciatore, Maroussa Zagoraiou.

Executive directors: Michele Scagliarini, Giulia Roli. 

University Research Evaluation (VRA) Committee and panel Area 13A

The VRA committee is a joint body responsible for drafting and updating the evaluation criteria for research activities carried out at the University. Representatives for the VRA Committee of the Department are: Mario Mazzocchi, Francesco Scalone, Cinzia Viroli.

Partecipation to Interdepartmental Centres of research and/or education

The Department has founded the interdepartmental centre  "Centre for Advanced Studies in Turism (CAST)"(

In addition, the Department and/or members of the Faculty are affiliated to:

  • Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Agroalimentare - CIRI agroalimentare (;
  • Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale - CIRI Scienze della Vita e Tecnologie per la Salute (;
  • Alma Mater Research Institute on Global Challenges and Climate Change - Alma Climate (;
  • Alma Mater Research Institute on Healthy Planet (;
  • Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (